If you’re anything like me, you’re obsessed with credit card rewards. By credit card rewards, I mean those points or cashback you earn every time you make a purchase with your card. If you’re not obsessed, or worse yet, you’re not even collecting, you should be. Why? Because if used effectively, credit card rewards = free money/travel. And who wouldn’t want that?Continue readingHow to Maximize Credit Card Rewards
Category: Save Money
Clutter. Even the word gives me hives. I can’t stand it. But, apparently, it LOVES me. If you have kids, a husband, a dog, a desk, or even just a cat and a closet, you will have clutter. It will find you. Over the years, I’ve discovered the one organization hack that continues to change my life: storage boxes. Continue readingThe #1 Low-Cost Home Office Organization Hack That Will Change Your Life
mmer’s almost here and you’re committed to making more great memories with your family but you’re also committed to paying off financial debt. Don’t fret. Your family can still have a great summer. While searching for ways to fill our summer calendar we found loads of free and inexpensive ways to enjoy ourselves. There are lots of free and low-cost family summer fun ideas in this post.Continue reading9 Free (and Low Cost) Family Summer Fun Ideas
It isn’t too early or too late to think about starting a Christmas savings account. By following the instructions provided here you’ll be on your way to saving money and padding your bank account this year. Using these three steps below, you can ensure you don’t lose money this Christmas.Continue reading3 Steps to Ensure You Don’t Lose Money This Christmas